Making a zoo visit an accessible experience

December 3 is International Day of People with a Disability and we want to celebrate a ZAA-accredited zoo who has been kicking goals in making a visit to the zoo an enjoyable and accessible experience.

Zoos Victoria won the Excellence in Creating Inclusive Communities Award at the recent 2021 Victorian Disability Awards.

Families with children with disability often struggle to enjoy recreational activities. Appropriate facilities, access, acceptance, confidence and fear of judgement are barriers that prevent their full participation in community activities, often resulting in isolation and marginalisation.


Photo credit: Zoos Victoria


Photo credit: Zoos Victoria


Photo credit: Zoos Victoria


To assist families with children with disability navigate large zoo sites, Zoos Victoria has ensured accessible vehicle tours in place with buses all having ramp access to accommodate wheelchairs. Volunteers also offer free tours in electric golf carts through zoo grounds. There are also sensory maps and social scripts designed and written by Zoos Victoria’s disability partners, which are provided for families to better support and prepare their children to visit the zoo. Zoos Victoria has committed to increasing recreational participation opportunities for children with disability and their families.

Through infrastructure investment in innovation and inclusive practice, Zoos Victoria has created an accessible leisure experience for children and families with disability, building their confidence to actively participate in activities with the wider community to benefit health and wellbeing.