ZAA Committee in Focus: Ethics Committee


The primary function of ZAA's Ethics Committee is to provide valuable feedback to the Board, guaranteeing that ethical considerations are integrated into the operations of both the Association and its committees. 

The Ethics Committee is also responsible for:


  • Oversight of the ethical strategy through the Ethical Decision Framework. 
  • Conducting an annual review of the Ethical Decision Framework via the Board, as deemed necessary.
  •  Formulating comprehensive ethics advice, comprising feedback and a range of alternatives for consideration for the Board to support the Association’s risk management. 


The Ethics Committee is guided by the following vision and mission: 



To support the Association and its members to be ethical role models for the zoo and aquarium industry. 



With application of ethical thinking, provide advice to the Board to manage relevant risks and disseminate sound ethical guidance and decisions (via the Board) to the Association Committees and membership. 


The current Ethics Committee members as follows: 

  • Phil Ainsley, Adelaide Zoo, Chair
  •  Michael Kelly, Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary, Board Representative
  •  Dr. Rob Jones, The Aquarium Vet, Member 
  • Mike King, University of Otago, Member
  •  Sally Sherwen, Melbourne Zoo, Member 
  • Daniel Warsaw, Wellington Zoo, Member
  •  Nicola Craddock, Zoo and Aquarium Association, Staff Liaison